“I have an excellent relationship with Allan, who cuts and tends to my lawn, plants shrubs, prunes and even paints my shed! He arrives on the dot, every week and his Diploma in Horticulture provides the confidence every customer needs!”


“Allan is very dependable with an excellent knowledge of plants and shrubs. I have no worries as he is a qualified gardener and knows exactly what needs doing. He just gets on with the work without any fuss. A lovely man!”


“Staff do an excellent job with the upkeep of our communal grounds. They certainly know their stuff, using specialist products to control moss and kill weeds.”


“Green Gardens have a contract with us to look after all the grounds of an apartment block. When they arrive they really put their backs into the work and do a fantastic job. A very impressive business who deserve the best!”


“I have been using Allan for the past 5 years. He has been reliable, trustworthy and friendly without exception, a lovely man! Arriving on the dot every week he can’t do enough to help. He is easy to reach and is very personable.”

BBG Research

“Green Gardens really put their backs into the work and do a fantastic job, we need more Allan’s on the island! This dependable, friendly firm know their job inside out. They simply could not improve – very impressive”

BBG Research